March 2023
Calling all Bee Groups
We have now contacted members in many of the bee groups and they are busy deciding on their theme for the raffle baskets. In order to have enough time to get information for our AGLC license and get tickets ready etc. we need to know of your bee group’s interest by the end of March!!! And many thanks to Susan Johnson who has volunteered to wrap up all the baskets. For more information, contact Linda at
As mentioned in the last newsletter….
How would your bee group like to participate in our quilt show basket draw? We are asking bee groups whether they are interested in putting together a basket that will be raffled off at the quilt show. Attendees at the show can purchase tickets and place them in a box below their favorite basket, using a similar process to our banquet brown bag activity. I have talked to a few bee groups, and most are interested. Ticket sales will go towards the cost of the venue. Items in the basket can be any theme like movie night, sewing supplies, etc. but we ask that only new items are included and that no homemade foods are placed in the basket. Which bee group can make the best, brightest, entertainingly stunning and fun basket?
How to Enter a Quilt
How to enter a quilt?
- Submit entries online between March 1, 2023 and April 30, 2023.
- Click for Entry form: (
- Submit youth and group entries as separate
- Acknowledgement of entry will be sent by email upon receipt of entry; (NOTE: you must hit submit to send your entry to the EDQG; please only submit once with ALL of your personal entries together!).
- A color photograph of each quilt entered is required.
- A color head and shoulders photograph of the maker/s of the quilt, while optional, is requested and will be included with the artist statement.
- When a design is based on a photograph other than one taken by the entrant, permission must be obtained from the holder of the copyright and a copy of the written permission document must be uploaded with your entry form.
- Entries require a hanging sleeve (except 3 dimensional objects) and an identification label.*
*You can find all of the information you will need on the EDQG website under the Festival of Quilts tab. There are articles that explain how to do the artist’s statement, label and hanging sleeve. There is also a DETAILED Entry Form Guide.
There is a limited amount of space to display quilts, therefore, the EDQG Festival of Quilts committee reserves the right to determine the final number of items that will be accepted into the Festival of Quilts show.
With regard to your entries, please enter them in order of priority, meaning your best first and so on. Should there be more entries than we have space to accommodate, your last entry may be eliminated. The order of priority that you give your quilts will be used to determine which quilts will be included in the show. We will include as many items of each member as possible.
When completing the entry form, you will indicate you have read and agree to comply with the EDQG 2023 Festival of Quilts Entry Rules and Guidelines posted on the EDQG website. You also agree to hold harmless the EDQG from any loss or damage of your items and release the EDQG from all liability, loss, damage, theft, or destruction to any article you enter in the Festival of Quilts. You understand and assume the risk of all uninsured property and agree that it is your own responsibility to properly insure your property against all risk. Further, by submitting an entry, you agree to give your permission for your work to be photographed for publicity, possible use in the Guild newsletter, promotional material, website, and inclusion in a slideshow collection for member and public viewing. Show visitors may take pictures for personal use only.
For further information, contact Myrna at