Community Service Update – March 2024
Author: Linda T, EDQG member and St Albert, SSVP, North of 60 Project Chair

The Society of St Vincent de Paul (SSVP), North of 60 Project annually ships sea containers of food and necessities to those in need from the Edmonton and Calgary areas to the Northern and Arctic communities of Inuvik, Tsiigehtchic, Fort McPherson, Tuktoyaktuk, Paulatuk, Aklavik, Sachs Harbour, Fort Good Hope, and Ulukhaktok. The North of 60 Project helps families meet their basic needs in communities where the cost of living is extremely high. SSVP also accepts donations and distributes household items, furniture, and beds to those setting up households locally, such as those leaving homeless or women’s shelters, refugees or the impoverished.
Sea containers for the North and Arctic are packed with food and necessities in the spring then trucked to Hay River where they are loaded onto sea barges. The barges leave Hay River in July and travel down the MacKenzie River to the Beaufort Sea (Arctic Ocean), dropping off containers at communities along the way. The barges are on a tight timeline to arrive at the furthest communities before winter. For the communities along the Beaufort Sea, the barge also delivers the year’s supply of grocery store non perishable food, fuel, construction material, and vehicles, etc. What is not sent on the barge, gets flown in. More information, reports and video are at:
Ways to support the North of 60 Project or the SSVP local projects:
To arrange for a pickup or drop-off contact:
Linda Tutt at 780-651-6486 or 780-667-8079
Deadline for non-food donations is Thursday, April 18, 2024.
N of 60: Non-food donations (new, gently used or like-new)
- Family needs: quilts (baby, twin, double, queen), bedding, pillows, towels, baby, and children’s clothing (larger than newborn size), diapers, wipes, warm winter outerwear, warm boots, household items (pots, pans, dishes, casserole dishes, roasters, small appliances), feminine products, and hygiene products
- Sewing community groups: fur and leather coats (or pieces), embroidery thread, full skeins of yarn (no partial and enough to finish a project), thread, notions, sewing machine needles, scissors, zippers (longer for coats), fabrics such as stroud, melton, commander, imitation fur, angel fur, sherpa, and outer wear fabric for Arctic parkas (no cottons, knits, silks). A special request for sewing while on the land: a hand powered, nonelectric, tabletop sewing machine (not a foot power treadle).
- Community: For restoration of a museum: looking for contacts for discount or donations of plywood, triple pane windows for restoration, help for fuel costs, XL pots, XL bowls, and XL serving utensils for the only active church in Ulukhaktok (for community events)
Photos from Ulukhaktok
We will continue to meet on the second Tuesday of the month at the Focus on Fibre Arts Association (FFAA) Studio at 10554 – 110 Street NW.
Use the back door.
The next sew days are Tuesday:
- Tuesday, March 12
- Tuesday, April 9
- Tuesday, May14
- Tuesday, June 11
N of 60: Donations for food wholesale purchases.
- Cheques: Payable to St Albert SSVP North of 60 Project. Mail to: Linda Tutt, Chair, St Albert, SSVP, North of 60 Project, 10 Orchid Place, St Albert, Alberta T8N 6P5
- E-transfer to
Use the passcode “northof60”
Please provide your phone number, name, address and email address so a tax receipt can be issued.
Local SSVP needs: Donations For Greater Edmonton (year long): To donate household necessities, furniture, beds (in good shape, no tears, no stains), for local needs, call SSVP Dispatch, 1-780-471-5577 to arrange for a pickup
Thank you for helping us help others. The many quilts and items donated in the past, both for those in need locally and in the Canadian North and Arctic communities are treasures and great gifts to the recipients.
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Are on the third Wednesday of the month (Sept. to Nov and Jan. to May) at the Alberta Teacher’s Association, (11010 – 142 Street NW).
Presently, the Guild is holding “hybrid” meetings (In-person and via Zoom)
Guests are very welcome at our meetings.
For more information, click Meetings
Contact Us
General –
Mailing Address:
Edmonton & District Quilters’ Guild
Edmonton, AB T6C 4N6