
2024 Brown Bag Raffle
As part of our ongoing fundraising, this year we will be doing a brown bag raffle at the guild’s year end banquet on June 12, 2024 at the Alberta Teachers Association.
The theme this year is “Potpourri”. This leaves the theme of what to make, up to you. Any small item that you have made is so welcome and supporting the EDQG endowment fund.
Some of you may be new to the Brown Bag Raffle. In short, we sell you a two sided ticket and you put one half in the brown bag that is associated (and numbered the same) with the bag or bags of your choice. You hang onto the second half of your ticket and cross your fingers hoping that we will draw your number from the bag.
Ticket prices are 12 tickets $10, single ticket is $2.
Any questions can be directed to endowment@edqg.ca
Kathy S
Endowment Committee