2024 Membership Drive Members who renew and pay their dues by June 30 will be eligible to win a beautiful basket brimming with quilting treats. And new members are eligible as well, so if you have a friend who is thinking of joining, please let them know of this...
Did you click the submit button above to complete the form? Please Note: Your registration is not complete without the fee paid. Please send the amount owing to our treasurer ASAP after clicking submit on this form via the method you selected above. Attention! You...
Information for New Members Welcome to the Edmonton & District Quilter’s Guild! We have a very exciting year ahead and are so glad you have joined. In the interest of keeping everyone safe, we strongly encourage members and guests who attend EDQG activities in...
September 2023 Membership Update Thank you to our members who have renewed their membership. Cards will be given out at the September meeting. For those who have not renewed, just a reminder that the membership year is September 1 of the current year to August 31 of...
2023 Membership Drive Winner! Marie P. is the winner of the membership drive basket! Congratulations! (Members, if you would like to watch the video of the draw, please click on the picture to the right to be taken to our private Facebook page.) Image does not...
[siteorigin_widget class=”thinkup_builder_imagetheme”][/siteorigin_widget] Hasn’t our guild done a great job this last year!! Our board and committees are already planning a fantastic line up of events for next year. Members who renew and pay their dues by...