EDQG Library
A collection of over 500 books, covering many different areas of quilting
Library Services & Resources
Borrowing Books
Our Book “Catalogue”
A current listing of our books is available in the library “store” to help with browsing the collection.
Use the “store cart” to contact the library to request a specific book to borrow and pick up at the next meeting.
Book Raffle
The library raises its’ funds to purchase books for the library by having a book raffle each month. A choice of two varied quilting titles are available, chosen by the Library Committee.
Come check out the Library corner at the next meeting you attend.

Library Update – February 2025
Library Update - February 2025Author: Sandra P.,Library ChairOur January meeting was again busy with many members and guests coming to the meeting in person. Library Book Raffle tickets are $1.00 for a single ticket, or $5.00 for 6 tickets. The money raised goes to...
Check out the Library “store” to browse the collection and request the books you would like to borrow.