From Fiber to Fabric: The Essential Guide to Quiltmaking Textiles



Author: Harriet Hargrave

Harriet Hargrave, internationally known quiltmaker, teacher, and author, presents the definitive resource guide to the selection, use, and care of today’s textiles. From Fiber to Fabric includes easy-to-understand directions for testing fiber content, thread count, colorfastness, lightfastness, washfastness, and shrinkage; information on the effects of water and detergents on different fabrics and dyes; thread compatibility and batting selection charts; recommendations for storing quilts; and Fabric and Batting Analysis sheets. With a better understanding of how textiles are made, what to consider when buying them, and how to care for them once you bring them home, you will have much more enjoyment and less stress as you create your wonderful quilts.

Published: 1997