Library Update – October 2024
Author: Sandra P.,
Library Chair
“Sewing is a way to mark our existence on cloth: patterning our place in the world, voicing our identity, sharing something of ourselves with others, and leaving the indelible evidence of our presence in stitches held fast by our touch.”
– Claire Hunter – Threads of Life: A History of the World Through the Eye of a Needle, 2019.
Our September meeting was busy with many members and guests coming to the meeting in person.
Thank you for your support of the Library Book Raffle which raised $189.00 to purchase new books for the library.
The September raffle books and winners were:
- Just Two Charm Pack Quilts, by Cheryl Brickey. Won by Sherry V.
- The Big Book of Quick-to-Finish Quilts, by Martingale & Co. Won by Melissa D.
I spent the remainder of last year’s raffle earnings purchasing two books on slow stitch sewing, our theme for our “how-to” presentations this year. The raffle books for the October meeting will probably include a slow stitch book!
At the September meeting we did a little show and tell with our online Library Catalogue on the guild website, and our online book ordering tool, the Library Cart feature. I hope you will try them out and see all the books we have in our collection! You can also contact me via the library email if you are interested in a particular book.
Happy Reading and Creating!