Honour the Past, Embrace the Future
Edmonton Quilt Festival 2025
June 6, 10-6 pm
June 7, 10-4 pm
Saville Community Sports Center
11610 65 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1
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vendors market
Interested in being a Vendor at the 2025 Quilt Show?
Applications are being accepted on a first come, first serve basis.
Still Spots Available!
Quilt Show Blog
Coming Up
Special Exhibits
45th Anniversary
A display organized by the 45th Anniversary committee closing out a year of celebratory events.
Quilts of Valour Canada
Supporting injured Canadian Armed Forces members past and present, with quilts of comfort.
Come check out their table to learn how one can take part in making a quilt for a veteran or donate a quilt made.
Prairie Rose Quilt Show
Topic: Au Naturel
A quilt show inside the quilt show! Each year, the past chair presents a challenge to the EDQG members. Those who participate have an opportunity to interpret the topic challenge, vie for one of several glorious ribbons, and share their spectacular creations with everyone at the festival.
Featured Quilter
Kathy Logan de Chavez
Congratulations to Kathy!
She is an amazing quilter and has been a huge part of the EDQG for the past 30+ years. Kathy has held multiple positions on the executive of the EDQG including Chair twice, program, quilt show and countless other committees.
It will be amazing to see
a display of her work at
the Quilt Festival.
Quilts displayed are the work of the 2021 Featured Quilter: Laurrie G.
Vendor Market
Businesses attending the show: listed alphabetically
APQS Alberta - Finely Quilted
APQS Longarm Machines
Blue Barn Quilt Co.
Liberty of London fabrics, Quilting cottons, notions, patterns etc.
Crazylady's Market
Quilt kits, precuts, notions, cross stitch supplies and kits
Pat, Man and Bobbin Quiting
Long arm Quilting, Wholesale batting, hand dyed and painted fabric
Prairie Points Quilt Shop, Wooden Division, Dolyn Enterprises
Wooden tools for quilters
Quilters' Palette
Barn quilt supplies (ACM panels, paint, tools, etc).
Gift type items related to quilting (puzzles, coasters, etc).
Limited supple of finished barn quilts
QuiltNut Creations
Fabric, quilt kits, fabric bundles
Redfern Enterprises Ltd.
Eurosteam Iron, Backplus Masagers. and other products
Rustic Quilting
Quilt Kits, notions, patterns, fabric, rulers, books, precuts
The Sugar Pine Company Ltd
Fabrics & project kits, sewing & quilting notions & tools, patterns, gift items, demo items, shop and event info
WonderFil Specialty Threads
Stay tuned!
More to come!
EDQG Salutes Our Advertisers
The EDQG is grateful to the many businesses that advertise in the members’ monthly newsletter. Their on-going support makes each monthly meeting special.
If you need quilting supplies or long arm services, check out the businesses listed.
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Information on this site is provided for informational and educational purposes only.
All rights reserved. No part of this site may be copied or reproduced by any means without permission.
All designs appearing on this site are copyrighted material owned by their respective creators and may not be reproduced without written permission.
Are on the third Wednesday of the month (Sept. to Nov and Jan. to May) at the Alberta Teacher’s Association, (11010 – 142 Street NW).
Presently, the Guild is holding “hybrid” meetings (In-person and via Zoom)
Guests are very welcome at our meetings.
For more information, click Meetings
Contact Us
General – info@edqg.ca
Mailing Address:
Edmonton & District Quilters’ Guild
Edmonton, AB T6C 4N6