November 2021 “Call of the Heartwood: My Creative Journey With Trees” with Lorraine Roy Textile Artist Lorraine Roy will present her artistic journey in words and pictures as she describes how trees wove their way into her art and her heart. Lorraine will...
October 2021 Hobbs Bonded Fibers made a bold commitment to enter the quilt batting market in 1978. They have worked diligently to be the highest quality provider and leader in product development in the industry. At Hobbs Batting, they never forget that quilts are a...
September 2021 “Behind the Seams” with Peter Byrne Hello folks, you are invited to my virtual Trunk Show called “Behind the Seams” with Peter Byrne; please allow me to introduce myself and give you some of the highlights! My name is Peter Byrne. I am a national and...
June 2021 June’s meeting has no formal speaker as it is the AGM (Annual General Meeting), but there will be a presentation of the annual members’ challenge, the Prairie Rose Scavenger Hunt Show! The annual challenge is hosted by our past chair and this year the...